Il futuro del Software Asset Management: perché il SAM Manager non può ignorare FinOps

Webinar che esplora la convergenza tra SAM e FinOps, mostrando come il SAM Manager possa ottimizzare costi e investimenti IT.
SAP e le nuove licenze ERP: un webinar insieme ad ASSI

Webinar con ASSI, abbiamo approfondito il licensing ERP di SAP nel passaggio da ECC a S/4 HANA e Rise with SAP.
DORA: Increase Operational Resilience with Service Catalog and Dependency Mapping

Webinar for Banking&Finance: in view of the adaptation to DORA, here are the ITIL practices that help in service management.
Service Mapping: invisible technology at the IT services dance

Webinar delving into the CMDB's effective deployment of the right service mapping technology.
From Excel to AITAM: innovative ways to manage your IT assets

Webinar delving into the benefits of AITAM and the steps to follow to make technology integration profitable.
How to prepare for the IBM compliance crackdown

Webinar on new contractual obligations related to IBM compliance review with guidance on risk mitigation strategies.
Do you know the impact of the new metric for Oracle Java?

Webinar in which we evaluate all the options and optimizations available to reduce the budget impact associated with changing Java metrics.
Cloud: how much does it cost us?

Webinar delving into FinOps, the cloud management strategy that governs costs through visibility and financial accountability.
Let’s prioritize the risk!

Alla luce della complessità di gestione delle vulnerabilità, il webinar approfondisce strategie e soluzioni per mantenere il rischio a un livello gestibile.
SOS licences SAP® – Contract conversions to be evaluated in 2022

Alla luce delle opportunità in scadenza offerte da SAP®, nel webinar forniremo elementi per valutare eventuali conversioni di contratto.