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Encourage self-provisioning

We allow autonomous access to applications in complete safety.  
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Encourage self-provisioning

We allow autonomous access to applications in complete safety.  

Nowadays, to access business apps and data remotely, employees use a multitude of personally owned devices. Typically, these devices are not part of managed inventories and perimeters.

With no visibility into their configuration, companies find themselves in the position of having to protect corporate apps from the potential risks inherent in personal apps on their users' devices, which may not be compliant or have been downloaded from unprotected digital distribution systems.

They ask to be able to manage every installation, but it is not possible to have control over what is installed by the user, and the workforce would like more autonomy in being able to use the applications they need, without necessarily having to go through IT. Times are getting longer and dissatisfaction leads people to act outside agreed policies, increasing the danger to corporate data protection.

We allow you to centrally manage each individual device and allow users to securely access self-service portals controlled and already operational on the device, to be able to install the necessary applications independently in self-provisioning mode.  

What difficulties do you face in provisioning remote locations?

What difficulties do you face in provisioning remote locations?

Safety risks

Applications downloaded by users can present security flaws that, if unmanaged, extend to enterprise infrastructure and data.

Lack of coherence

Users work with multiple devices but can have different versions of the same applications, downloaded at different times and in different ways. This can cause productivity blockages.

It’s convenient but dangerous

People don’t take security as seriously as they should. They act independently, because it’s more comfortable for them that way, without going through IT.

IT overburdened

IT is overburdened with requests from dissatisfied users asking to install this or that application. It struggles to act quickly, and in the meantime people are stuck.

Quali difficoltà incontrano le persone nel provisioning delle postazioni da remoto?

Safety risks

Applications downloaded by users can present security flaws that, if unmanaged, extend to enterprise infrastructure and data.

Lack of coherence

Users work with multiple devices but can have different versions of the same applications, downloaded at different times and in different ways. This can cause productivity blockages.

It’s convenient but dangerous

People don’t take security as seriously as they should. They act independently, because it’s more comfortable for them that way, without going through IT.

IT overburdened

IT is overburdened with requests from dissatisfied users asking to install this or that application. It struggles to act quickly, and in the meantime people are stuck.


To promote self-provisioning and make people autonomous in the use of applications, WEGG adoptsthe following strategy: 


To promote self-provisioning and make people autonomous in the use of applications, WEGG adoptsthe following strategy: 


of each device
The first step in making a mobile-first enterprise is to enable centralized management of any device that accesses your network and enterprise resources. We provide a single control dashboard, from which you can quickly get up-to-date, normalized and integrated inventories of devices, even those of the employee’s personal property (i BYOD, Bring Your Own Device). We choose technologies that support any operating system (iOS, macOS, Android, Windows 10, industrial devices like HoloLens, Oculus, Zebra ecc.), we prepare them to automate the device onboarding, security settings configuration, app deployment and remote support. In this way, with a few clicks, it is possible to adjust each new location to the compliance criteria provided by the company and have visibility on what already exists on the managed device.  
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Storefront for app

First, we make sure that users can access the company app store through secure gateways and networks, with VPNs for secure apps.Through centralized management, we can integrate a customizable storefront for business apps into devices. In addition to separating internally developed (private) apps from external (public) apps through a cointainerization process, we ensure that IT administrators can publish private apps here to their end users without having to use commercial distribution tools commercial such as the App Store or Google Play Store. The user can then find and download the application from his mobile device and receive any suggestions from the IT about which applications are supported and not.

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BYOD self-service

If we want to increase people’s autonomy in managing their devices without impactingIT teams, we set up a self-service BYOD portal. The latter enables fully integrated device self-service management with IT infrastructure. The user, following workflows that we have previously analyzed and preset, can independently register their devices and independently ensure the distribution of applications

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Analysis of the use

We integrate analytics into these tools to gain insight into application distribution. This allows you to quickly identify app deployment issues and take the necessary action to ensure the best user experience

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Improving the user experience

Finally, we automate the detection and correction of productivity-threatening threats for the user with systems already integrated into devices, without any action required of users and we insert device-based contextual verification systems to speed up access without repetitive password entry or other access policies.


IT staff
We simplify device management with centralized tools and self-service portals.
  • better time management of IT staff
  • reduction of Help Desk support requests
  • reduction of onboarding times for new workstations
Greater autonomy

We increase user autonomy in accessing business applications. 

  • devices already configured with the secure app store
  • access to self-service management portals
  • facilitated workflows 
Greater security
We avoid the risks of deploying unprotected applications.
  • consistent and compliant management of all business devices
  • separation of private and public apps
  • access with gateways and secure networks
  • contextual verification systems (Zero Trust approach)
  • setting up AI-based Threat Defense systems for automated threat detection and resolution
We ensure full visibility and control over the devices.
  • updated inventories on all devices that access enterprise resources
  • reports and statistics on the criticality of devices used by users
  • centralized management and remote control
Satisfied people
We increase the satisfaction of people working remotely.
  • streamlining of onboarding processes
  • increased autonomy in the use of applications
  • device management not mediated by IT but still protected
  • identification of usage trends to improve user experience
  • device-based verification systems and password-less authentication


IT staff
We simplify device management with centralized tools and self-service portals.
  • better time management of IT staff
  • reduction of Help Desk support requests
  • reduction of onboarding times for new workstations
Greater autonomy

We increase user autonomy in accessing business applications. 

  • devices already configured with the secure app store
  • access to self-service management portals
  • facilitated workflows 
Greater security

Evitiamo i rischi legati alla distribuzione di applicazioni non protette.

  • consistent and compliant management of all business devices
  • separation of private and public apps
  • access with gateways and secure networks
  • contextual verification systems (Zero Trust approach)
  • setting up AI-based Threat Defense systems for automated threat detection and resolution
We ensure full visibility and control over the devices.
  • updated inventories on all devices that access enterprise resources
  • reports and statistics on the criticality of devices used by users
  • centralized management and remote control
Satisfied people
We increase the satisfaction of people working remotely.
  • streamlining of onboarding processes
  • increased autonomy in the use of applications
  • device management not mediated by IT but still protected
  • identification of usage trends to improve user experience
  • device-based verification systems and password-less authentication

Would you like to enable self-provisioning in your users' workstations?

Contact us for a consultation!

Would you like to enable self-provisioning in your users' workstations?

Contact us for a consultation!

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We centralize and standardize the management of devices that access the network and business resources.
We improve the digital experience of users working remotely.
We protect devices used by users from internal and external threats.


We centralize and standardize the management of devices that access the network and business resources.

We improve the digital experience of users working remotely.

We protect devices used by users from internal and external threats.