Il futuro dell’ITAM. I trend della gestione degli asset IT nel 2025.

La gestione degli asset IT sta vivendo una trasformazione radicale: scarica il whitepaper con la nostra esperienza!
From Excel to AITAM: innovative ways to manage your IT assets

Webinar delving into the benefits of AITAM and the steps to follow to make technology integration profitable.
MEF breaks down silos related to IT asset management.

How MEF was able to gain full visibility into IT assets managed within a very large and widespread distribution network.
How to prepare for the IBM compliance crackdown

Webinar on new contractual obligations related to IBM compliance review with guidance on risk mitigation strategies.
Do you know the impact of the new metric for Oracle Java?

Webinar in which we evaluate all the options and optimizations available to reduce the budget impact associated with changing Java metrics.
SOS licences SAP® – Contract conversions to be evaluated in 2022

Alla luce delle opportunità in scadenza offerte da SAP®, nel webinar forniremo elementi per valutare eventuali conversioni di contratto.