The counting of documents -for which SAP provides specific tools - takes into account two elements:
- The creation cost is a one-time charge: SAP charges for the creation of the document; all subsequent operations (reading, updating and deleting the document) are included in the creation cost.
- The total number of licensed documents applies to each document created, regardless of type.
Enterprise App: is the Digital Access model the solution?
How can companies that rely on mobile applications that interact with SAP® ensure compliance with the most cost-effective licensing model?
In an article, SAP® made it known that the new Digital Access model goes beyond Indirect Static Read:
This new pricing policy for indirect digital access of ERP goes above and beyond the Indirect Static Read** policy introduced in 2017. By the new policy definition, SAP only counts and charges for the creation of documents by the ERP system triggered by indirect digital access, therefore eliminating the need for a separate Indirect Static Read policy for ERP.
At WEGG, we are experienced SAP® licensing consultants, and before deciding to switch to the new model driven by fear of not being compliant, it is good to make the appropriate assessments. If the indirect use meets the first condition of the Indirect Static Read (the query created by a person already covered by a user license), the compliance requirements are already met.
Would it be appropriate to reason about the convenience of licensing all users who use the mobile app or the documents that are the result of such interactions? These considerations must take into account several elements:
- technological evolution of the company: are there other mobile apps planned that will require licensing? Have we mapped them all, today and in the future?
- type of interaction: what actions on the SAP® "core" does the interaction produce? Are there any digital automations operated by bots within these applications? And here we would need to elaborate the type of automation (whether assisted or unassisted)
- user licenses already issued: do they also "cover" indirect access?
Considering that the use of enterprise applications that interface with business management systems (including SAP®) will be increasingly widespread, with the aim of offering digital services to internal and external users from wherever they connect, now is the time to think about it.
Mobility, Enterprise Service Management, and SAP® licensing are sides of the same coin, and SAP® customers are at a crossroads: better "user-based" or "outcome-based" licensing contracts?
In December 2022, the financial incentives to join the new Digital Access model will expire, and there are several options for choosing whether to keep or revise your SAP® contract. We will discuss this in a webinar (in italian language only) scheduled for September 15th!
User-based or outcome-based licenses?
*SAP®and other SAP® products and services® mentioned are registered trademarks
of SAP SE (or a company affiliated with SAP®) in Germany and other countries.