WEGG among the 1000 best performing companies in Padua

On Friday 1 December, our CEO Fabio Mavaracchio was invited on stage at the San Gaetano Auditorium in Padua to collect the award recognising WEGG as one of the 1000 companies in the province of Padua that performed above average between 2019 and 2021.

This was highlighted by a survey on financial statements carried out by the ItalyPost Research Centre for the daily newspapers VeneziePost and L'Economia del Corriere della Sera, which was presented on this occasion.

During the award ceremony, in a panel moderated by journalist Maria Gaia Fusilli with other deserving entrepreneurs from the province, Fabio was asked to testify about the growth path of our company in a constantly evolving market.

In particular, the willingness in recent years to focus even more on our strategic consulting skills in order to be more focused on the needs of people at the expense of technological trends emerged: this was seen with the recent rebranding from Netcom to WEGG, but above all with the important organisational changes and investments in the quality of our technical staff that we have been making for several years in the 'back-end'.

In 2024 we plan to grow further in terms of skills and innovation, in order to be able to be of all-round support to our customers in the validation of new technologies.