Rise with SAP: how to optimize operational costs associated with the SAP BTP platform

How to ensure that the operational costs of using SAP BTP with Rise with SAP are aligned with project requirements.
Licensing Rise with SAP: all the elements to consider

Una guida per affrontare in modo consapevole l’aspetto del licensing nella transizione a SAP S/4 HANA cloud con Rise with SAP.
Rise with SAP: how to juggle FUE metrics

Una guida per orientarsi con la metrica FUE del programma “Rise with SAP” per migrare a SAP S/4 HANA Cloud.
Licensing, contracts and cloud consumption in SAP For Me: our feedback

Consumi cloud: vantaggi e criticità della nuova versione della License Utilization Information (LUI) all’interno di SAP for Me.
SAP support contracts: annual fee increase from 2024

From 2024 onwards the annual fee for SAP support contracts will increase: what's new and what strategies to adopt to keep costs down.
SOS licences SAP® – Contract conversions to be evaluated in 2022

Alla luce delle opportunità in scadenza offerte da SAP®, nel webinar forniremo elementi per valutare eventuali conversioni di contratto.