Innovazione e collaborazione: il Portfolio Workshop in Rheinmetall Italia
Come abbiamo realizzato con Rheinmetall Italia un Portfolio Workshop, utile a individuare i casi d’uso strategici per costruire un ecosistema di applicazioni digitali basato sulla piattaforma Mendix.
The horror vacui of low-code technologies: I can create anything I want, but how do I get started?
Scopri il valore di prioritizzare le applicazioni aziendali con un Portfolio Workshop, ottimizzando il processo creativo e digitale.
How to ensure continuity and efficiency in IT development projects: winning strategies
What are the inefficiencies in development projects that can be managed more effectively with Mendix technology
Application fleet robustness and resilience: strategic imperatives to protect and grow business
Robustness and resilience: two fundamental requirements for the application landscape that Mendix helps us ensure to protect the business.