Celebrazione dei premi di studio WEGG

On Friday, April 12th, at WEGG, we celebrated the four students who were awarded the scholarships established by our company with the valuable collaboration of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Padova.

Our heartfelt congratulations to Andrea Barutta and Jessica Carretta for the undergraduate awards in Computer Science and to Nicola Pavin and Davide Baggio for the awards for enrollment in the Master's degree in Computer Science!

We would like to thank Professors Paolo Baldan, Claudio Palazzi and all the staff of the Department of Mathematics for their support at every moment, which made these study awards a reality…

Given that among us there are many consultants and IT experts, we are well aware of the importance of having a flexible and critical forma mentis… which requires method and tools that only a university can provide. So, what better investment than starting with the youth sector?

During this occasion, with the entire WEGG board present, the team had the opportunity to get to know our company up close and take a tour of the facilities. Leading them was Francesco Clabot , who, in addition to being our CTO, is also a lecturer for the relevant degree courses.

The ceremony also included a tribute to Marcello Molinari, our colleague who passed away prematurely in 2016, to whom we dedicated the study awards. We thank his son Maurizio for his touching words and the Molinari family for being with us.