Webinar (in italian language only)

Do you know the impact of the new metric for Oracle Java?

Strategies and solutions to protect the licence budget.

Since January, Java SE has had a new pricing model: subscriptions for users and processors have been replaced by a metric for employees, widening the pool of subscribers far beyond the people who use the programmes.

Everyone ends up in the count: full-time, part-time, temporary employees and in many cases even third-party business figures such as consultants and contractors.

The impact on the budget is not insignificant : starting at $15 per month/employee up to 999 employees and dropping to $5.25 per month/employee for users between 40,000 and 49,999, it is estimated that companies could incur spending increases of up to 15 to 20 times the current level.

But since the change does not affect terms of use, do we actually know what Java is worth to the company and when there is a need to pay for a subscription?

There are, in fact, optimisations and alternatives that are less impactful on the budget, but to evaluate them, it is essential to understand the uses of Java in one's own environment and to know one's way around the tangled forest of contractual variables.

Better make sure you are in the best position for the future, before incurring large outlays!

Watch the replay to see all the measures he can use!

Resta aggiornato sulle situazioni per cui è vantaggioso rivedere i contratti!


We will explain the implications of the switch to the new metrics on current licence management

We will provide guidance and tools to map deployment to actual needs

We will illustrate optimisations and alternative scenarios (including open source) to reduce budget impact

We will delve into how to set up a decision workflow to improve one's licensing position vis-à-vis the vendor


Giulio Gregori, SAM/ITAM Consultant

Expert consultant for the licensing programmes of the major software vendors (Microsoft, Oracle, SAP), he helps our customers to:

Would you like to reduce the impact of the new metrics on the licensing budget?