Il futuro dell’ITAM. I trend della gestione degli asset IT nel 2025.
La gestione degli asset IT sta vivendo una trasformazione radicale: scarica il whitepaper con la nostra esperienza!
La gestione degli asset IT sta vivendo una trasformazione radicale: scarica il whitepaper con la nostra esperienza!
In this article, we will delve into the advantages of one of the cornerstones of low-code methodologies: visual development.
Because IT and business teams must take into account the ever closer convergence of IT Service Management and digital transformation.
How is it possible to reduce delays and complexities related to SAP integrations with low-code technologies and a structured process?
Discover the value of prioritizing business applications with a Portfolio Workshop, optimizing the creative and digital process.
Discover how the prenuptial agreement in technological divorce helps prevent vendor lock-in, ensuring intellectual property and application migration.
Analysis of dependencies and Service Mapping for effective IT management, inspired by the case of the Lincoln Memorial.
Speed and flexibility in development? The answer is low-code, enhanced with an approach based on ISO/IEC 15288 and 12207.
Microsoft will replace EA contracts with MCA-E starting in 2025, increasing costs by up to 30%. Discover the solutions to protect yourself.
La gestione degli asset IT sta vivendo una trasformazione radicale: scarica il whitepaper con la nostra esperienza!
In this article, we will delve into the advantages of one of the cornerstones of low-code methodologies: visual development.
Because IT and business teams must take into account the ever closer convergence of IT Service Management and digital transformation.
How is it possible to reduce delays and complexities related to SAP integrations with low-code technologies and a structured process?
Discover the value of prioritizing business applications with a Portfolio Workshop, optimizing the creative and digital process.
Discover how the prenuptial agreement in technological divorce helps prevent vendor lock-in, ensuring intellectual property and application migration.
Analysis of dependencies and Service Mapping for effective IT management, inspired by the case of the Lincoln Memorial.
Speed and flexibility in development? The answer is low-code, enhanced with an approach based on ISO/IEC 15288 and 12207.
Microsoft will replace EA contracts with MCA-E starting in 2025, increasing costs by up to 30%. Discover the solutions to protect yourself.
La gestione degli asset IT sta vivendo una trasformazione radicale: scarica il whitepaper con la nostra esperienza!
In this article, we will delve into the advantages of one of the cornerstones of low-code methodologies: visual development.
Because IT and business teams must take into account the ever closer convergence of IT Service Management and digital transformation.
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